fun fun wa wa

last tuesday and wednesday i stayed @my friend's house (yoshi) because the electricity @my boardinghouse is off
i helped him prepare his retreat...haha i never did it before
i designed the booklet and @ last thursday morning...he and I went to the fruit market bought some watermelon

it's heavy...we bought 3 watermelons haha
after that i'm going home and NOW @home for weekend
but it's full assignment weekend hufh...
i was cut my hair again last night...try different me with (very short hair) ToT
now what i must do? kill the assignments eat then ^^

people equal ssssshhhh

i walk quickly but they run slowly
hear peoples discuss about something impossible
peoples calculate their life
they had a lot of dream but they just walks in place their future just in their dream

:: bernaz ::

full assignments!!!

this week is the 10th week in this 5th semester
assignments, tasks, practices every week make me confuse and weak
i don't know that i must to do first...because of a lot of assigments
beside that i must finish my project, build my company, invest my time to learn more about open source (java and linux) and the importasnt one is skate all day ...long time no skate tot

i felt that 1 day = 24 hours is not enough...a lot of assignment at the same time and deadline
not just assignments for personal but for group too.
i don't have much time ToT ...something must be done soon and i'll do this all one by one
oh GOD give me more power and spirit to do these

fuzzy saturday

feel bored? same with me in this night
i mean not bored but a lot of things must to do and from where i must begin the tasks
i cancel go to kimochi fest, buy skate shoes, go abroad, play skateboard, everything
just wanna relaxing my body from a lot of activities but i can't
so how??? fuzzy...dammit

full deadline ...tonight i must send the Information System implementation and Testing assignment to my lecturer mail...then i don't know. i must update si online study or design or maybe go to bed and dreaming about 20xx...2012 we'll be dead? i don't think so...if YES i'm sure that GOD will SAVE ME ^^

hectic weekend

hufhh why this weekend is hectic weekend...because although weekend but i have a lot of task and it must be done soon. as soon as possible. it was rainy. so the atmosphere is cold
this weekend i have a lot of program.

start from do assignments, join in kimochi fest at my campuz, company meeting, build project and many more...when i get spare time just to enjoy skateboarding huhfhhhh
when i skate all day...when i have a long time so that every weekend i can go to the beach or other refreshment place hoahhhmm

learn more about english

start from today i try to write in this blog with english
it help my passive english...
bcoz long time not learn about english
i'm out from english club last semester. very fun using this language beacause it's international language but little by little learn about it...english is not my basic language here
i'm using indonesian language for daily life

you never know what does it mean if you didn't know about english
bad boy!!! ah aha ha

i krux caroline

i krux caroline
did u know caroline...for me caroline is a nice obstacle to grind
at the first time i saw i said "nice!!!"
whut nice haha...
but the obstacle is disappointed...very disappointed
ain't call her but was F-ing me

last weekend i heard Superman Is Dead from my iPod
i think it's the best song for you caroline

i krux caroline very much!!!

Scanning for Viruses

iseng-iseng malem-malem scan virus di laptop
hhmmmmm malem-malem hunting virus
lumayan lagi in progress udah dapet banyak
wahhh dammit...virus kok banyak banged

kill viruses eat then!!! haha
sampe sekarang masih pelajarin linux
soalnya mau migrasi ke linux
masih menunggu seniorku yang kerja di jakarta balik ke jogja ntar desember
biar bisa diajarin linux
susah juga cing file managingnya ...
but i likit it...because linux free from viruses

fight for scholarship

ayoooooo berjuang
track record!!!

wah ini semakin hari semakin ribet. semakin banyak deadline menumpuk
sampe keteteran ngerjain tugas-tugas ma kejar deadline gila!!!
padahal aku juga musti inves waktu buat melajarin Java
buat ntar tools skripsi ma KP .....
ngurusin company en memperbanyak track record
GOD...give me more time to solve all my problems