August till December is my time in my 7th semester. in this 7th semester, my lesson about practical work made me busy, confused, and high on stress. developed software everyday, revision, developed again, analized and tested..... not just a developer, but also work as a designer, tester, analyzer. the final step of my lesson is final presentation at December 8th. I prepared it all carefully, and to get the best final presentation. It's done and on that day I felt free. my brain started to calm down. on that night, I invited my friends to joined a trip on the morrow.

I invited my friends suddenly because I didn't know what I must did on the morrow after the final presentation. I just need to made my brain free. on the next day, we flocked in my friend's house. my friends who joined this trip is Jo, Alex, Thomas, Yosi, Anggi, Inne. What a trip? the trip is GO FISHING!!! we had a day off as fisherman in the fishpond.

the atmosphere when we arrived is cloudy and just waited for rain. in the middle of fishing time, the rain is came to make we wet, but we still waited our fishhook eaten by the fishes. sometime we got a big fish, sometime we got (very) small fish. laugh out loud together and the trip closed with lunch together with the fishes that we got. so grateful.
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