Desember 25th. Everyone know that's Christmas day. My friend Yosi was born in that day, that's why his first name is Natal. Natal is Christmas. the sad story is my friends and I always spent holiday every end year at home. that's why my friends and I never celebrate his birthday. On first month of this year, my friends and I made a plan for him. My friends who planned it are Johan, Alex, Thomas, and his girlfriend. We bought a the newest cell phone. The reason why we bought it for him, because we often difficult to call him, so difficult, maybe because of the signal or other bad functions of his old cell phone.

happy birthday my (one of) best friend (s) Natalis Niki Yosi Masan... Don't to plan too much, just focus and do those one by one to be a successful men...Good Luck and God Bless You
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