Robert 'Cobra' Silas Kabanga. A talented guy who's my senior in campus and GP-Skateboard. He came from Lombok and was studying in Jogja majoring Informatic Technology. That's why every break time when we were play skateboard, we talk about something smells technologies. Finally, last October, he's graduated from our campus (Duta Wacana Christian University). Hardworker, stylish and also a nice guy. Every people in GP-Skateboard called him Cobra. He did a lot of trick clearly. He participated in skate competition in Jogja and he got prize because of his best trick on that event. WOW!!! In GP, just Cobra and I that came from Duta Wacana.

Yeah right, after graduation party that held in my campus about two days (October 23-24, 2010), he planned to go back to his residence at Lombok. Lombok island is near from Bali island. His older brother also came to Jogja to join the celebration. I like this part. In October 25th (sunday), he text me suddenly to joined with him and others friend to go to Depok beach. Ate together for sure, we usually do that every we got a big moment that affected with our life.
Sunday morning, I cancelled all my activities that day. No clothes wash, no appointments, special for this moment. Start from 7 AM, the atmosphere is cloudy, made me pesimistic and think "it will rainy". GOSH!!! that's became true, start from flocked in Hotel until arrived on Depok beach, wet wet wet because of rainy. that was sick!!! Peoples are Cobra, his mother, his brother, Jimos & girlfriend, Melong & girlfriend, Fajar, Dede, and me. Depok beach is just a small beach. You just can play ATV, kites, and don't play water because the waves is big, maybe because it's the first time I came to this place and the atmosphere was so bad. Peoples usually come here to enjoy the holiday with friends while eating a lot of seafoods. You can buy fishes and ask the food stall around the beach to cook your fishes. Sounds good, save your money too.

What we were eat? Sea food? of course!!! We surfeit because of it. Crabs, squids, mollusks, and fishes that grilled with good taste. YUMMY!!! I wanna try this in other day with friends, homies or just my self. After ate together, took pictures, we went to Ganjuran temple (it's first time too). Just enjoyed the environment and respect with others.
NOW, Cobra's on Lombok or Bali, he's working there. We will meet in the top of our success. Nice quote COB!!! Good luck!!! God bless!!!
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