SICK!!! What's wrong with Jakarta. I always have sad ending stories every went to that city or got in touch with the peoples. Kaa, Ca, Audrey, Seaworld, Ma'am, MSD... Maybe GOD blacklist this city for me. I was born in Jember, that's J. Since I studied in Senior High School until I graduated from there, I was trying to get a scholarship in Japan, that's J. And now, I'm studying in Jogja, that's J. What about Jakarta? That's also J, but I really hate that.

Forget about J. Now's about multiple of 11, my birth day is March 11st. My girlfriends birthdays are April 22nd and March 22nd. I ever liked my classmate friend that was born at December 22nd. That's two of my life mysteries, another mysteries makes me confuse. Until now, I don't know the answers, but I'm sure that GOD and my true friend are knew the answers.
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